We provide a range of Energy Efficiency services which are always bespoke, but can generally be summarised under the following:

  • Energy audits (BS EN 16247)
    Defining scope of audit (also known as surveys or assessments), energy data collection and analysis, site visits, analysis (energy conservation and efficiency measures), reporting and Action Planning.
  • Energy Saving Opportunities Scheme (ESOS)
    Qualification determination, calculation of energy consumption, identification of significant energy use, agreeing sampling approach and routes to compliance, auditing, report writing, support with Evidence Pack and final review. Lead ESOS Assessor support services.
  • Energy management support (ISO50001 Framework)
    Initial reviews, Senior Management commitment support, Energy Policy Development, Energy Strategy formulation, target and objective setting, M&T and continual improvement.
  • Energy training and behaviour change
    Awareness/Motivation programme planning, programme design and delivery, technology specific training, energy auditing training.

We have supported many commercial and industrial customers with a range of energy efficiency measures, securing long term energy and cost savings and helping to sustain the organisation.

Examples of our energy efficiency work include Sandvik, ProServ, BSW Timber and the Ministry of Defence. Further clients and sectors we’ve worked with can be found on the Sectors & Clients page.