We provide a range of Carbon Management/Net Zero services which are always bespoke, but can generally be summarised under the following:

  • Carbon footprinting/greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory
    Defining methodology, setting operational and organisational boundaries, data collection and verification, calculating emissions (use of appropriate factors) and reporting.
  • Net Zero and Carbon management planning
    Initial reviews and diagnosis, setting a baseline, ‘Business As Usual’ forecasting, creating a live project register, pathways modelling, net zero target setting, tool/model development, strategy alignment, carbon accounting/budgeting, developing an Action Plan and reporting.
  • Corporate and mandatory reporting support
    Reviews of reporting requirements, data gathering and verification, report production and validation.
  • Training
    Capacity building (knowledge and ability transfer), tools/model training, project development training, validation and sustaining the change.

We have supported many clients with a range of Carbon Management/Net Zero services, providing a systematic approach to measure and report their emissions with confidence, reduce emissions and generate cost savings.

Examples of our Carbon Management work include Abri, Zero Waste Scotland, L&Q and Ingredion. Further clients and sectors we’ve worked with can be found on the Sectors & Clients page.